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Town of Stoneham UPDATE regarding COVID-19 as of 3/24/20

Town of Stoneham Provides Updated Information Related to COVID-19

STONEHAM — Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief Matthew Grafton, Health Agent John Fralick and Chief of Police James McIntyre wish to provide the residents of Stoneham with new information regarding the town's response to the novel coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 illness. The virus has moved the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare it a global pandemic. President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency and Governor Charlie Baker has declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts.

Town officials would like to notify residents and business owners about the announcement made by Gov. Baker that all non-essential businesses will need to close by noon on Tuesday, March 24 until April 7. This measure is being done to promote social distancing efforts and to help stop the spread of the virus. All non-essential businesses in Stoneham are asked to adhere to the governor’s order.

  • For a list of businesses that considered “essential” click here.

  • To file an Essential Service Designation Request click here.

Gov. Baker has also advised that gatherings of more than 10 people are not allowed at this time and restaurants have limited their service to take out and deliveries only.

Board of Health

Stoneham Board of Health has received confirmation of a positive case of COVID-19 in the Town of Stoneham. The reported party has been in isolation for the past two weeks after returning from abroad and developing symptoms. All primary and secondary contacts have been identified in regards to this case and are currently in self-quarantine for the next 14 days. They have been instructed to follow DPH and CDC protocols regarding symptoms, reporting and subsequent testing. No school contacts in regards to this case have been identified at this time. All primary and secondary contacts will remain in self-quarantine and will be monitored daily.

Town Hall

Effective immediately, Town Hall departments will reduce staffing, with employees working remotely to perform essential functions. Staff will be available to answer questions and help residents from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Those who need to conduct essential business with the town are asked to email or leave a voicemail with the appropriate department, who will then attempt to make a suitable accommodation to meet.

Police Department


All overnight parking enforcement has been temporarily suspended by the Stoneham Police Department. Residents are asked to continue to be mindful of neighbors and public ways when parking.

Firearms Licensing

The Stoneham Police Department is not scheduling in-person appointments to process applications for firearm identification cards (FID) or licenses to carry firearms (LTC) at this time. Please go to the police department’s website for further information regarding firearms licensing. The police department will work with residents to ensure that LTC/FID renewals take place prior to the expiration of their current license.

Door-to-Door Solicitor Permits

The Stoneham Police Department will not be processing applications for door-to-door solicitors until further notice.

Fire Department

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

All non-essential inspections are suspended until further notice. The expiration date for licenses, certificates or registrations issues by the Department of Fire Services and State Fire Marshall has been extended for those that were in good standing on March 18, 2020.

Those who are purchasing a new home will be responsible for equipping their homes with working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, not the seller. This is in place until further notice and will remain in place for up to 90 days after the state of emergency is lifted. Buyers must then notify the Fire Department and schedule an inspection within the 90 days after the state of emergency is lifted.

Department of Public Works

The Department of Public Works would also like to remind to not flush anything down your sewage lines other than toilet paper. Other items, like wipes (even flushable), rags or paper towels will clog town sewer lines and systems, potentially creating other public health crises.

Senior Center

The Senior Center is now staffed 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. At this time, the Senior Center is providing grocery shopping services-taking orders, fulfilling them and delivering the order as well as picking up prescriptions. These services are available Monday through Thursday. Please call the Senior Center at 781-438-1157 with any concerns, questions or if you need information on available resources.

Stoneham Schools

Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunches are available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at both Stoneham High School, at 149 Franklin St. and Robin Hood Elementary School, at 70 Oak St. If you have any questions regarding the meals program, please email

Students who have technical issues please email

Prevention Tips

All residents are encouraged to continue to practice social distancing — maintaining a distance of approximately 6 feet from other people — and appropriate personal hygiene.

In an effort to prevent the spread of flu, colds and other respiratory illnesses, residents should follow the recommended actions from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH):

  • For a minimum of 20 seconds, wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick

  • Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.

  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces

  • When you have a fever or are ill, stay home from work or school

Officials are constantly monitoring state and federal guidance regarding the COVID-19 situation and will provide updates as new information becomes available.

The state has also set up the phone number 211 to answer questions that residents may have concerning COVID-19.

For more information, visit CDC’s website here or the DPH’s website here.

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